
I have to agree that starlings do bully the smaller birds a bit, so just put up more separate sources of the same food, thus giving the tits. etc. a chance.   I was surprised to read in the results of the Great Garden Bird Watch that starlings were on the decline again   In my part of the world, Warwickshre, they are flourishing.   I have masses of them on my bird feeders and bird bath - their special favourite is suet balls.   And sunflower hearts.  And soaked mealie worms (i buy them dried because I can't stand wriggly ones!)  They have also been picking up dried grasses etc. so they are obviously nesting.  My favourite birds are a pair of collared doves - so gentle and pretty.   And masses of goldfinches - plus the usual varied tits, sparrows and a host of chaffinches.  One (or it could be a pair visitting separately) of spotted woodpeckers.   And last week, for the first time, a yellow hammer.  But only one.   Try not to be anti-squirrel - but they do take a lot of food.   Have to remember they are wildlife too!  Likewise my attitude to wood pigeons, not only bullies but greedy - but  very beautiful in their own way.   I always think if magpies were rare, we would think them very exciting to look at,  Speaking of magpies, what has happened to them this winter?

  • I have only just started to get starlings and there are only about 6 or so, but they are very greedy & make a mess! I do like their attitude though & put plenty of the same food out in different places so other birds do get a look in. I used to have a pair of collared doves but only recently seen one about, also have a pair of wood pigeons but only occasionally. I get one squirrel usually at the same time every day & he really stuffs himself but has stopped trying to get onto the bird feeder since he slipped down the pole and got soaking wet in the drinking  water!

    To reply to your query re magpies - we get loads around here, but they do seem to be in pairs, theres not a whole mob of them. I think they are beautiful and lovely to look at. I don't have an actual garden just a patch outside my kitchen window but on the other side there is a playing field and there are a lot of trees around here so perhaps thats why magpies are fairly abundant. Also see a lot of crows and seagulls but they seem to keep away from my feeding station - could be because it is fairly close to the building and protected on the other side by trees and bushes.