recent birdwatch results.

hi all. having read the results of the birdwatch,it was interesting to note that the top three birds all equated to results i have noted down for the past year in my garden.sparrows come out top on my list by a long way,yet two years ago rarely saw one,starlings have always been predominant,blackbirds are seen regularly,but mostly males.goldfinches come high on my list,but then i do put niger seeds and sunflower hearts out in quantity,  the one thing that did strike me as interesting,and i would appreciate any feedback,is the total lack of nuthatches recorded,they rarely hit the top twenty throughout the uk,up to last year we regularly[nearly every day] had two visit our garden,but have not seen one for over 12 months,are they on the red list.and lastly there seems to be a lack of long-tailed tits,or is that only in flintshire. i look forward to the next birdwatch results but will continue on a daily basis to observe and note any changes in bird movement,we are at present building a wild life pond in the garden,hoping to observe other aspects of nature and who knows this in turn might bring new species of birds into the garden,one things for sure,youre never too old too learn something.thanks,and would appreciate any feedback on nuthatches.maggs.

  • Hi maggs

    I recently found, that I since the tree was cut down at the back of my garden, I don't get the long tailed tits any more. I get a variety of birds like robins , sparrows, starlings, gold finches, blue tits, great tits, coal tits, black birds and also a mistle thrush that visited twice, and a wren. Not forgetting the squirrel that obviously isn't a bird, but it's nice to see them. How do I get them to come back in the garden?

  • hi might just be that the long tailed tits are not visiting because the tree has been cut down,after watching these birds for some time,i can state that the long-tailed tits used to fly into the trees behind my feeders before coming down to feed,and i used to hear them in the garden before actualy seeing them,they appear to be fairly timid and i think they use the trees as security,but i could be wrong.after saying that,in spite of having trees around my feeders i have not recorded any long-tailed tits in my garden for over 6 months.when they did visit in large numbers they mainly fed on fat balls the big fat blocks and peanuts.dont despair i miss them as well. maggs

  • I get many long tailed tits in the garden and I am lucky enough to have trees the other side of our fence. They flit around before about 8 birds come and feed. I sometimes get a nuthatch and the odd tree creeper. My daughter has just moved to a new house and there is building work going on all around but she has some big trees at the front of her house. She gets 3 or 4 nut hatches feeding at the same time ( I got her interested in feeding birds when she moved) along with reed buntings, blue tits, great tits, woodpeckers , and goldfinches! Her feeding station is always busy!! None of the birds seem at all bothered by all the noise around them. One nuthatch stared at me just feet away while I took photos of it!!


    my photos can be seen here flickr