
Unfortunately my husband opted to undertake this most important deed......... alas he sat in the conservatory and was asleep within 2 minutes ( have a photo to prove it!). Therefore the answers submitted are only in respect of the times he was awake during that hour or it may have been on the Monday!  I however was wide awake during the allotted hour and looking out of the kitchen window... though I did not have the form to complete...... I would just add now that I saw far more birds than he did........next year I will keep my beloved in the front room and do the survey myself (after all  I am the member of the society and the one who pays for the bird food to attract these most lovely of God's creatures into our garden)

We have two cock robins in our garden and I was amazed to see them both feeding within inches of each other without a fight nor a feather out of place!  We have both wood and feral pigeons as frequent visitors to our garden...... We had a dear wood pigeon we called "peg leg" who visited us for about 4 years, alas he had only one foot but was a joy to behold, alas he has not returned over the last 12 months or so.

So please accept my apologies for a somewhat less than accurate record of this years Big Garden Birdwatch.  Take care