Hi,I like to try new types of seeds around my grounds to attract different species,last time I purchased some wheat free with aniseed and soya oil,what do you think of this,110734713957.. I think it is really good value @ £20.98 for 20kg. this usually last's me about a month,it is a pity I cannot find anything in the RSPB shop like this as would prefer to support here.(though I did buy lots of fat balls and other things from the shop earlier ;-)
I have to admit,I have a lot of finches with this seed,and the Dunnocks love it-it is Dunnock city here!Nobody believes how many I have!And the Blackbirds love it too.I am putting a picture up,not very good but shows quite a few in a small space near the bog garden,there must be in excess of 30 pairs plus on my land.-they were all squabbling this afternoon lol!
Anyway,wheat with? or wheat free?
Hi Melissa,
I only ever buy cereal-free seed in order to deter the pigeons as cereal crops are their preferred food. (It works, too). Never tried aniseed or soya oil though!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
That sounds good value Melissa,wheat would be by far the cheapest ingredient in my opinion and is also in my opinion a nuisance as it is always left unless Doves or Pigeons come.Have never heard of added Soya or Aniseed but sounds a good idea.Think with your good results stick with it.No good buying cheap food and getting very few birds anyway.
Yes that is the right link,sorry about that,I already have so many Doves and Pigeons from the neighbouring farms-either side of me.I used this seed and it took them a week or so to get used to it-or they just did not know it was there,now,I have hoards of species which love it!
They have their own website too.http://www.loveyourpet.co.uk/
I have always had Dunnocks here,but have more than most would say is believable,they seem to adore this food you know,I need to get myself another camera so I can video them for all to see!
So glad it is of help to you Alan. :)
Looks like a good hair day for you Melissa,love it.