Snow on the way....

Well, it would seem the birds know the weather is about to change. Yesterday & this morning has just been a huge feeding frenzy in my garden with seed & mealworms going down a treat!

The blackbirds & sparrows are enjoying a nice long drink along with a lovely, if not cold shower in the waterfall I created off the slates in my small garden pond.

How different to last week when we were building up to the Big Garden Birdwatch when it was so quiet along with the milder weather.

  • Hi Sharon yes its certainly busy in my garden too at the moment with the freezing cold weather we are getting at the moment. We have got a good variety of birds including a lovely blackcap who visits my garden every day for mealworms and suet pellets.We have also got 2 pairs of chaffinchs and also siskins and two very friendly pied wagtails male and female and many others.

  • Sounds great fun in your garden too! My wagtails have yet to appear. I have a lovely friendly pair of robins, pair of collared doves & pair of blackbirds here every day. Chaffinch & tits soon fly because of the visiting cat.... I have a Red Kite display a wonderful fly past every now and again though :0)

  • Thats interesting, we have a sparrow hawk which zooms through now and again. My birds have been eating well today I'm going through quite a lot of food! I've got a pair of collared doves also they visit most days. :) Last year we had quite a large group of redwings feeding off orange berries from one of our shrubs. But this year the berries have all gone mouldy on the shrub no idea why?

  • My waterfall is only small Birdie, I don't have a large pond, no fish. I like the plants! Had a toad staying in it this year which I have been hoping for since building it 4 years ago! Hope it is still around. The splash is only small to not scare the birds away or drown them! Enough to duck a head under and spread their wings. In summer I have to refill it most days as they splash the water about so much :0) It's great fun watching them queue up in a morning waiting for a shower. Lovely icicles hanging off the pond this morning, got down to -6 degrees last night....bbbrrrrrrrr

    @ wildlifeloversharon, maybe the berries have gone mouldy on the shrub because of the milder weather? The plants, trees & bushes are all acting strangely this year due to last years weather. I had roses & fuchsia still in flower at Christmas and actually saw a BEE on Christmas morning!