Feeding my visiting Heron

Hi all,

I would like to confirm whether it is ok to feed my visiting Herons some sardines or herrings?,the reason I ask is that the pond is actually overflowing with goldfish,however,they are still hiding at the bottom,I kind of feel sorry for the Herons as when they land-(alternately I might add)They look really glum and down in the dumps-they know it is full and tend to go away with an empty tummy.I have never caught one in the act,though last year,there were the odd remains floating about.

The smallest which tends to visit several times per day is incredibly nervous,if I move the tiniest amount he-she is gone in a flash whereas the large one takes a few moments to take off! But only comes perhaps twice per week.

  • Hi. I visited a park in Kent last year and saw wild herons landing in a stork enclosure and take dead sprats off the ground so give it a go, use smaller fish so the heron can fly off with the fish is disturbed. Shane

    Regards Shane


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  • Hi Melissa and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sure it's perfectly OK to feed the herons as long it's with fresh fish and not something like canned. However, do you really need to do so unless you specifically want to attract them onto your land. They are perfectly capable of looking after themselves. The only time they need help is when the lakes or rivers where they feed are frozen. I wouldn't have thought this winter has been cold enough for them to need any help.

    I always think herons look glum. That's just their natural demeanor. LOL



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  • Yes Shane , I've seen the same thing at Blackbrook Wildlife Park in Staffordshire. The herons arrive every evening as the visitors start to leave and scoop up the leftovers in the Pelican pen. I found it more exciting watching these wild birds fly in than seeing any of the captive inhabitants.

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  • Hi TJ,

    Yes,that's the expression! They look really sorry for themselves!They have been coming here for the last 3 years,I don't think they are going to clear off just yet :)

  • Looking glum must be a family trait. Their Little Egret cousins have the same expression.

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