pied wagtails

Up to 500 of these birds roosting in the trees at Heathrow Terminal 5  arrivals forecourt  trees,right next to the terminal building. Amazing, worth looking at before BAA bring in the hawks to get rid of them. They have been coming since early December.

  • Much as I would love to see that spectacle , I live in the northwest so Heathrow is too far for me to travel. Anyone else up here might like to check out Frodsham Hill where there is a sizable population of Pieds. Nothing like 500 though.

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  • Talking of wagtails I have one marvellous bright yellow all over wagtail coming to my garden at the moment.  I have put food in a different place as it is shy and the other birds don't let it onto any of my feeders or tables.  I am a bit worried for it and don't think it is supposed to be here at the moment.  I live in Devon so would be interested to know if anyone else has seen one. It is the yellowest brightest bird I have seen since I had a little canary!

  • Hi Carol

    Because of the time of year and your location Im wondering if its actually a Grey Wagtail, dont suppose you can get a photo?


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Any chance of a photo, Carol. Yellow Wagtails are summer visitors so shouldn't be here.



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  • Hello everyone. No it's definitely not a grey one as there are many of those about.  I too thought that it shouldn't be here.  I have now seen it a few times but the tiniest movement makes it jittery so I sadly don't have a photo.  I was so amazed because it is brightest yellow all over and looks lovely in flight.  I am pleased that I have seen it but wish it could be in a safer environment.  The other birds don't like it, I suppose because of the colour.  It is very very yellow, like custard, even the head.  In my Oxford book of birds it says the male bird has a yellow head in it's Spring plumage so I am sure that it is one.  It also seemed very yellow everywhere else too.  Thank you for answering.  Carol.

  • Yellow Wagtail. Leasowe , Wirral. May 2011

    Grey Wagtail. My garden. November 2011

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