Redpolls - OMG

We have lived here in Redhill for 33 years and have recorded 47 different birds in our garden since the day we moved in. Of course we took part in the Big Bird Watch over the weekend and saw our 48 type of bird - 15 of them. A flock of redpolls settled in a tree that over hangs our garden and spent all day stripping the dried catkins. In the end the tree was bare and we had spent a happy day watching them. Next year hopeing for an ostrich at least.


  • Hi Norman

    They seem to be coming into gardens much more frequently these days. If you've got any nyger seed in your feeders you might attract them even closer. Can't help with the ostrich though.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi, I wish i'd seen this photo before i submitted my results for the survey! i thought the birds I'd seen on my feeder were redpolls but, because i hadn't seen them before I wasn't 100% sure so didn't include them. Now I know they were! Very excited now....hope I see them again.

  • That's bad luck Estella. Never mind you'll be able to recognise them next time they come. Pretty little birds aren't they.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Welcome Norman and Estella,

    Last year I was a big show off on this forum because I had a colony of up to 30 lesser redpolls clinging to my feeders all day, every day for months. This winter .... one pair that visits sometimes. I keep reading about everyone else with small flocks and all I can do is look back at my photos and dream!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I am envious. Send them my way please.

    Kind regards Richard.

  • New to this watching but had fun this weekend had to film most of my visitors and identify later.  

    Birds I had never seen before included the Redpoll had up to ten at a time, 2 on the seed feeder (niger seed) and the rest on the ground as they seem very messy birds dropping lots of seed on the floor

  • And this year I'm the show off with the redpolls!  I'm up to 40 + now - they have been coming since  mid December.  We're having a new roof put oon our house at the moment and there are ladders all over the garden and builders banging away all day.  I was afraid they would scare my redpolls away but since they (the roofers) never turn up before 10.00 a.m. the redpolls are still coming for breakfast!  My garden is going to seem so empty when they leave, and I will be like Sparrow - hoping for a return some day!

    Get the nyjer seed out Norman and hoefully they will be back for you!

    See my Flickr photos here