Plethora of Robins

Hi everyone

I am new to this forum but have done the BGBW for the past 3 years. This year, as I actually had time, I did 3 watches but I hasten to add I only submited 1.  One reason for doing the 3 was like others on this forum some of my regulars didn't arrive the first time. Although my regular coal tit only came once fleetingly I did see 6 long tailed tits but neither during the same hour!

I understand Robins are territorial but the minimum number of robins I saw was 3 and on one occasion, on Sat afternoon, I couldn't believe there were 5 although not for long! I guess it's because it was a lot colder than lately but then I also thought is it down to it having been so mild they are getting together earlier as there was not too much arguing! I expexct someone out there will know the answer.

  • I'm guessing that the robins you saw were either non-breeders who have not secured a territory as yet or short-distance migrants from further north that were not holding territory, so they would be more tolerant of one another. Alternatively you may have witnessed two breeding pairs and an interloper! During extremely cold and hostile weather birds like robins that are usually fierce will save energy and will feed along with other robins in gardens simply out of neccessity.

    Thanks for taking part!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Thanks for the information. I knew that during very cold weather Robins were happier to feed together to save engery but the the rest was all new. You learn a little something new every day!