Survey - update identification of bird listed in comments


I completed the survey and mentioned that we had a woodpecker but i couldn't identify it becuase it wasn't pictured in your information booklet. I have since identified it. It is a great spotted woodpecker - is it too late to amend the survey?

Also i would like some advice on how to squirrel proof a bird feeder with whatever you may have at home?

thank you



  • Hi June

    Once the survey is submitted online then that is that, it cannot be amended, the same applies if you have already posted your survey form. Never mind, the survey has a big enough participation to account for any small errors or ommissions.

    With regards to deterring squirrels using stuff from around the home, try to find youself a cone shaped lampshade or a large funnel. if you can fix a something like that to a feeder feeder pole so it resmbles the squirrel guard, linked below from our shop, you should be able to stop squirrels. The feeding station would need to be at least a metre away from jumping platforms lik overhanging branches, walls and fencing.

    Hope this helps!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.