
Over the past year or so we have experienced a significant increase in the number of house sparrows about. The number we get to our feeders is impossible to accurately measure as sparrows can be concealed in the hawthorn hedge but we have counted over thirty and reckon there could be as many as fifty at any one time. The downside of this is that it's costing us a fortune in fat balls etc and we do lose a few to the sparrow hawks that live close by.
  • Same here! We're up to 21 (there's probably more hiding) in the bushes at the back of their garden. with the other encouraging posts I've seen on this forum hopefully this means they're making a comeback.

  • I usually get a small party for the BGBW but they didn't show this year.  That could be because the bush they usually visit had been pruned or I had changed the time of day.  How do you count those large numbers?  I start to to lose track with 4 or 5 dodging around and going behind branches.  

    Hilary J