Garden Birdwatch

Bit peeved as the hour I was able to watch the birds during my busy weekend was the one where on 1 robin showed itself!!!  So I reported this was between 1 and 2pm on sunday when it was foggy, freezing and very still.  Usually have loads of gorgeous feathery friends to watch....thought I'd better report it anyway, altho there was nowhere on the website to add comments regarding conditions. I want a re run!!

  • Hi Andy know what you mean.I could have had a great bird count on Saturday but always do it Sundays.I did 2 1 hour sits and only got Goldies and a Collared Dove.Truly cheesed off.




    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Hi Andy,

    Yes this happens, and we all want an impressive list to submit.  My was just ordinary, nothing unexpected came, and no regulars missing.


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Hi, this seems to be a common theme this year!! Looking at what people have said on here and on Twitter the birds kept themselves well hidden this weekend.  Sunday between 1-30 & 2-30 was my hour...very quiet! But of course at 2-45pm, 7 greenfinch on the feeder and same time last week..... a woodpecker on the fat balls - typical!


  • I sympathise with your frustration. The watch has to take place over a specific period obviously, but it would be good if we could record, as a footnote, birds that we have seen at the site of our Big Garden Birdwatch but not at the time we did the watch. We have seen some unusual birds in the garden pheasants, coots - but they are never around when we need them.