Regular bird back in garden.

I did my garden bird count. I didn't see as many birds as I normally see in the garden. I did get a couple of surprises in my count.

3 Blackbird

1 Collared Dove

1 Robin

2 Blue tit

2 Dunnock

11 House sparrow

3 Starling

1 Chaffinch

3 Goldfinch

2 Coal tit

1 Wren

1 Tree creeper

Today I got the great tit , magpie, about 10 starlings as I wasn't counting today more goldfinches 2 rats and a squirrel.  Then the tree that the tree creeper appeared from and came into my garden was cut down today.  A quick question. With this tree being cut down, is this going to make a difference to the amount of birds in my garden.?

  • Nice selection mina.I had a dreadfull count 27 Goldies and one Dove so i really wish i had done mine Saturday when  the garden was real busy.Think this is my worst year.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • I seem to have a few different species of bird this year than last. I never had chaffinches or dunnocks , wren and tree creeper this year. I probably won't get them back, as the person over the back of me has now cut the tree down.

  • Lovely list of birds Mina I managed to count 6 starlings and that is all. Today I've had the starlings thrush dunnock wood pigeon and a sparrowhawk trying to get my little dunnock out of the holly bush . Thankfully it didnt succeed.  So I am wondering were they all hiding over the weekend lol.

  • The people across the road knocked down a dilapidated wall that was a nesting site,felled 4 trees and cleared the ivy from the remainder. Fair enough as the trees were suffering and they wanted a nice wall, but we now get no tits, no finches - very few birds.
