Where did they go?

It was a cold grey day here in Leicestershire and I think those birds had more sense and were staying in their roosts.

I did get more than some Big Garden Birdwatchers (see http://froggartscottagegarden.blogspot.com) but much less activay than usual. Does the time of day make a difference? I was watching 9.50 - 10.50. Later in the day there seemed to be lots more.


  • Hi Sandra, Thanks for taking part

    I also did a morning count and found the house sparrows were a permanent feature but didnt see woodpigeons and blackbirds in the garden until much later in the day. But reading other peoples reports on here this is consistent.

    Birds usually have a mad feeding spell first thing in the morning, to get some energy on board after a long cold night, then they seem to spend lots of time loafing through the middle of the day before having another feeding spell mid to late afternoon before they go to roost. It will vary between birds as to how much time they spend feeding and where they do this.

    Of course their levels of activity and distribution are also influenced by the weather conditions and disturbance so it can be pot luck.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.