Big Garden Bird Watch

OK, so where were all the birds? Did they know we were counting them? I didn't see half my regulars yesterday. No House Sparrows, no Goldfinches, no Blue Tits or Great Tits, all to-getjher a poor show.

  • Same here my regular starlings wood pigeons and crow failed to appear, then today everyone is back plus two robins called to confirm that I wasn't seeing things last week, Still an hour well spent.

  • I also had a poor showing yesterday got sat down with a cuppa and a couple of bikkies told the whole household not to disturb me then 3/4 s of an hour of nothingness , until the last 15 when our elusive sparrowhawk whom we only ever see flashes of seemed to know it was an important day on the birding calendar, he perched himself on the summerhouse for a couple of seconds then came closer onto the pergola as if he was trying to say dont forget about me i could'nt believe my luck