ig garden bird watch

So enjoyed doing the garden bird watch and reporting all my findings.   I never stop watching  in my conservatory with a cup of tea, seeing the visiting birds.   Although my garden is very small, it is surrounded by oak trees outside my back gate and I have many shrubs and feeders etc hanging on my clothes lines (away from cats!!)   The birds gather every morning and at tea time for the feast, and also during the day in odd numbers.   The two nuthatch are some of my favourites as is the cheeky robin.

I am enjoying reading everyones comments,


noreen watson

  • Hi Rene

    I enjoyed the bird watch too. The first bird I saw in my garden when I first moved here 10 years ago was a nuthatch. They are lovely birds but my favourites are the bullfinches. They always visit as a pair. I sit for ages in my consevatory too especially on a morning before I go to work. It is great reading all the comments.



  • Hi Kath,

    Lovely to heard from you - it;s my first time and I have had difficulty manoeuvreing around the sites but here we are.   I have lived here for over 30 years and the area has matured well.  I have a very small garden but surrounded by Oak trees which attract so many species.   The gather in the trees and dive down to my bird table and feeders so regularly.   The Nuthatch is a favourite and a pair have been visiting for years.

    Like you my conservatory is a MUST for my cup of tea and bird watching.



    noreen watson