Got the survey bug?

With the Big Garden Birdwatch weekend now behind us and the results piling in, many of you maybe be thinking, whats next? Maybe you would be interested in doing some more surveys? There are a numer of projects that you can get involved with to step up for nature, both with the RSPB and other conservation groups across the UK. Here are a few to consider.

Birdtrack - This is a joint project between the BTO, RSPB, SOC and Birdwatch Ireland that allows users of the site to enter details about bird sightings as and when you make them. You can create your own sites and submit lists or casual sightings. These records are held for your own reference as well as contributing to national monitoring schemes. It is free to use so please sign up and get recording!

Make Your Nature Count - This RSPB survey is the summer equivalent to the Big Garden Birdwatch but with added fur, we are asking for other garden visitors to be recorded, not just birds. The survey period is 2-10 June in 2012, so you have plenty of time to get your garden in perfect shape for birds and other wildife before then!

Natures Calendar - Help the woodland trust keep an eye on the changing seasons with this interesting survey asking you to look out for various natural signs.

Swift survey - Keep an eye out for swift nesting sites and screaming parties this summer with the RSPB swift survey, expect the first arrivals in May.

Breeding Bird Survey - BTO along with JNCC and the RSPB organise this annual survey of breeding birds across the UK. Volunteers have to make a small number of visits to an allocated site during the breeding season and record the birds on a specified transect through the patch. If you are interested follow the link and contact your local regional contact to find a survey square.

BTO Garden Birdwatch - If you wish to monitor the birds in your garden on a more regular basis then this survey could be for you.

These are just a few of the surveys out there, please feel free to add others you know about if you wish!


Warden Intern at Otmoor.