Sparrows in Decline ?

Sparrows in Decline ?  Not in North Leics - This Birdwatch - (thanks RSPB) -  we've never seen so many (50 + and counting) - they have been increasing fairly steadily for the passed few weeks - quite a little flock now. Is it the mild weather we've had of late ? (not today though!)


  • Hi Paul,IanH the moderator has just posted this on another thread regarding Sparrows.

     With the right features for them they can thrive, it's the areas where they are not able to find nesting sites, insect food through the summer and seed food through the winter where they are having the most trouble.

    Keeping cavities in the roof, putting up nesting boxes, chemical free gardens, a variety of flowering plants, shrubs and trees and of course supplementary food and freshwater will keep your local sparrows happy!



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .