House sparrows in decline?

I will be very interested to see the BGB results this year.    Last year I counted (from memory) eleven sparrows but this year only one.  Maybe it was because I left the count until late afternoon, whereas last year it was mid-morning.     Quite recently I saw two robins in the garden together, which was quite unusual as I understand they are very territorial birds.  I have a nest box which great tits now use every year so I was not surprised to see one tit in my count, although I know there are two  which reside locally!

  • Re: multiple robins. I also normally see only one robin in our garden, or 2 occassionally. But during the BGBW hour, outright robin warfare broke out in my garden and there were 4 at one point! The regular robin had his work cut out trying to keep all the others away from the feeders at once!

  • I've seen two robins following earch other around my garden for a couple of weeks so I'm guesing they are a pair.  As for sparrows, there are loads of them!  I've seen them with nesting material in their beaks too.  Maybe because its so mild in this part of Cornwall.  I've been sat here for 5 weeks with a broken leg so nothing much is escaping my attention.  Thank goodnes I love birds so much!

  • Sparrows this year 8 for me , my best was 2/3 years ago and  i had 30 , i just times  by watch badly as  i have a regular flock close by of at  least 20.

  • Bad year for me, not one Sparrow but the good news is there were plenty of them flying around outback so i don't mind losing out this year.



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