BGBW: waxwing jealousy!

Hi all, 

I wanted to tell you all how jealous I am of my mum for seeing 15 waxwings in our garden! I told her that the Big Garden Birdwatch was happening this weekend and it would be great if she could take part since I was going to be away. We live in the middle of town and have never seen anything more exciting in our garden than 12 magpies in the trees all at once.

I got a phone call from her on Saturday, we were chatting about stuff and  then she said 'oh my god, what are they? Catherine, there's bird in the trees that I've never seen before, I wish you were here to see them!'. She started to describe them and I realise they were waxwings, all 15 of them! I felt sick, and still do, when I realised, I have always wanted to see at least one. Why did I have to be away this weekend?! Haha

Oh well, there's always next year to catch a glimpse of the waxwings :)
