My first BGBW and I'm now officially an addict!

 I've always been very interested in wildlife, but must admit I couldn't quite see what the big fascination was about birds!! After deciding to try and do more volunteer surveys for conservation and hearing about the BGBW, I thought it was time to see what the fuss was all about and get on with Improving my bird ID skills (improvement being no big feat as all I knew was: eagles, seagulls, pigeons, robins and crows .... anything else was probably some sort of sparrow in my eyes!). After this weekend, I must confess I am a convert, I loved it! After swatting up on my RSPB guide to  Birds of Britain and Europe and settling down with my binoculars and a cuppa, I was thrilled to see the diversity of visitors we had in our garden in just 1 hour...

During the survey hour  in my garden I saw 15 different species: Balckbird, Jackdaw, Dunnock, Wren, Robin, Chaffinch, Rook, Bluetit, Coaltit, Great-tit, Long-tailed tit, House Sparrows, Greenfinch, Carrion Crow and last but certainly not least, a big fat Wood Pigeon!

I enjoyed it so much that I decided to go over to my Granny's place and do a separate survey in her garden too the following day!

Needless to say, I have really enjoyed watching all their different behaviours and personalities and plan to make time to do more surveys to enter on Birdtrack on a more regular basis. the BGBW is clearly a fantastic way to get the general public more interested and involved in British wildlife and it's conservation.... a BIG THUMBS UP! 

  • That's how it all starts Yolanda and everyday is different. Hope you continue to enjoy it

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain