Hello - Just completed the Bird Watch...RED KITES

Hi to everyone who took part in the Bird Watch this weekend.  I was just completing mine when I was delighted to see the red Kited that have returned to our area do a fly past overhead - We started with a couple months ago, but now we have SEVEN of them, and they were flying the same route they had the last time I saw them in the Autumn, which is circling overhead, then four split off heading towards the fens in the South-East, and three towards the North-West, circling in spirals as they went - What a Fantastic sight!  I am fortunate that we reside right next to open fields and farmland here. And then just as I turned to come in, the resident Kestrel hovered over the vacant field opposite us.  What a great way to spend a weekend.  can't wait for the next one!

  • Hi Birdie Wild, I see the birds everyday as we have an old established garden surrounded by fields, farmland and the neighbouring property has a large duck pond too.  The Kites seems to go over around the same time of day - saw them nearly every day in the Summer but there was only the two then.  They've only recently returned to the area.  The Kestrel is around everyday, hovering opposite or a little further along the lane.  I'm in Lincolnshire, betwixt Fen and Wold...cheers!

  • The other day my local Red Kite came down and grabbed a morsel of steak fat trimmings that I had put out for the magpies.

    Sadly he didn't land but only flew over during my BGBW, so I couldn't count him. Still good to see though

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi there!

    Great to hear you enjoyed the Birdwatch - thank you so much for taking part!  If you can't wait a whole year for Big Garden Birdwatch 2013, we run a similar survey in June called 'Make Your Nature Count' - exactly the same as the Birdwatch, but we ask for sightings of summer migrants, chicks and some non-avian species too!  This year's survey will take place between 2th and 10th June.  Keep your eyes peeled for more info on this on the website soon.  

    Thanks again!


    P.S. So jealous of your red kite 'fly past' - they are my fav bird!