First ever bird watch

This is my first year of doing the bird watch and I was very surprised to see a tree creeper in my garden.

I did manage to get a couple of pictures of the tree creeper later on in the day but the quality of the pics weren't the greatest

There was an abundance of chaffinches and gold finches. I spotted a total of 14 different birds but spotting the tree creeper and a solitary siskin was the highlight of my hour.

  • This is my 3rd garden watch and i am sorry to say how much the birs have declined in my garden over that time the things i have in my garden are a birds wish it is so sad our birds are on the decline


  • Unknown said:

    Well done for getting a Treecreeper..i've only seen one for about 15 seconds in the woods.

    Alan , get yourself over here and I guarantee to get you a Treecreeper AND a Nuthatch in one afternoon   LOL

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  • I find it pays to find a likely spot then sit and wait to see what comes to you instead of going looking for them. When you're on the move , even at normal walking pace , you miss a lot. The birds see you coming long before you see them. Their survival depends on it.

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  • My first bird watch too, although I've been interested in birds since I was a kid (30 something now!).. Although I live only a couple of minutes from the centre of Birmingham we have loads of birds in our garden (there's lots of well established trees behind our garden that helps a lot)..

    It really is surprising what you can see in an hour, I saw 15 species in all (+ one unidentified warblerish looking bird?).. Without doubt the highlight was seeing 2 goldcrests flitting about in the trees at the back of our garden.. (I've never seen one before!).. Some of the regulars such as a pair of Bullfinches and the gang of Long Tailed-Tits that normally visit didn't show, but my old faithful Wren and Robin arrived.

    All in all great fun, and I'll do it again next year!


    P.S. Why isn't 'Puffin' on the scarcer birds list for the bird watch?? lol...

  • I had to call my husband to double check the guide and books with me because I really thought that it was a case of mistaken identity but it was indeed. I have returned home from work today and have now spotted it in the garden again. The strange thing is that it didn't stick to climbing the trees but scaled up my ancient garden wall many times which has lots of moss on it. No doubt it was managing to get some insects on the wall or it would have given up.

  • You lucky girl! I've never seen a treecreeper - would love too. It's seeing unusual species like that that give you a thrill - that's what makes this birdwatching lark worhwhile!