Hi All,

my second BGB , 

My garden is rural with a spinney across from  my feeders  .

Sparrows have been eating me out of food for weeks counted 35  but probably  many more because of the speed in and out ,

37 wood pigeons, Blackbirds 11 apples & chucking out manure from my borders , 10 Goldfinches on my Niger feeders which the Sparrows have taken a liken for ., 14 Blue tits ,5 Chaffinches ,3 great tits ,2 Dunnocks, 1 Robin who last year attacked any bird on one feeder who it took over , this year  quite amiable.  A low fly over by the local Barn Owl , We did put up an Owl Box in our Ash tree but our cat who is a fantastic climber has used it to explore . & 1 Seagull .Hares enjoying a play this morning in the sun in the field next door ., I feel very lucky to have bird song round me every day instead of traffic noise.

have used 45kgs of bird seed this month already , peanuts & Nijer seed  not as much so far !! 
