Siskins in the BGBW today

Hello everyone

What a fantastic afternoon I have had today compared to yesterday. Our garden has been buzzing with activity. The birds came at regular intervals to gorge on the seeds and fat balls that we had placed outside for them. Perhaps it was the cold weather that made them more hungry than usual because I had a wide variety of birds that kept coming all at the same time. The highlight of the day was 4 siskins, 6 longtailed tits  and 1 lesser spotted woodpecker. I have also got 3 bird boxes, 2 located on the shed and one on a large tree at the bottom of the garden. The blue tits were in and out of the boxes. Last year we successfully had a family of bluetits that fledged from one of the boxes so I am hoping it is the same family that has come back to us!




  • Hi Susan and welcome.  That's a good bunch you've got.  Lesser spotted woodpeckers are quite rare and there's only a few around so that's a great one to have.


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Hello Apple. Yes we are quite lucky where we live. Our house backs onto a large wood and we have seen the woodpecker many times before. It is fasinating watching them when they use their beak to peck into the tree bark. The sound is quite loud and continuous. I wounder why they don't give themselves a headache!