Sparrowhawk question

I was woken up this morning (2 am) by a bird sreeching, would it have been a sparrowhawk or a Tawny Owl maybe?



  • Hi Maria, it depends on the type of screeching you heard really, although I would rule out a sparrowhawk as they hunt during day light and should be fast asleep at 2am!

    Tawny owls make a range of sounds but the most often heard are sharp 'kewick' calls often followed by a 'wo-woo-woo' so it could of been one of them. If you live in a rural area then a little owl is a contender. However I wouldn't rule out a fox as most nocturnal screeches often come from them!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Thanks Ian, it was definetly a bird, it few past my window 3 or 4 times.  I live in an urban area with some mature trees nearby and quite often hear the wo-woo noise.  I didn't hear the hooting but just the screeching.  I'm just hoping it sleepas in tonight...I have work in the morning!

    Just like to say I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the BGBW and sharing my amature photos.


  • How interesting, my thought would be tawny owl then, maybe an intruder had arrived and the owl was screeching its annoyance! Given that many of them are preoccupied with defending territory at this time of year i'd think it's a likely answer.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed it and thanks for taking part!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I thought that, I checked out the RSPB bird identifier sound track for the Tawny and it was the closest.  Good news is, it didn't wake me up last night!

    I am now definetly addicted, can't wait for the weekend when I can record the birds again...yes, I am now a member of the BTO and can complete a weekly survey for them!  Along with trying to take photos of my visitors.  Need to try and catch a shot of the GSW.