My big garden birdwatch experience

I did my birdwatch on Sunday morning 9.15 to 1015 . It was extremely frosty and very quiet at first but became more interesting as time went on.. I managed to see 13 species including 15 starlings a lnogtailed titthree linnet and a sparrowhawk. The latter made everything else dissappear for several minutes. I think seeing the beautiful Linett feeding with a group of housesparrows, two dunnock and two chaffinches was the highlight. Well done the RSPB FOR ORGANISING IT YET AGAIN .

  • Hi Robert, thanks for your comments and for taking part, your feedback is much appreciated! Great variety of species there, especially with the linnets, pretty unusual garden visitors. Did the long-tailed tits stay for long or do their usual flit through?  

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Spent a pleasant hour counting with my partner on bright but chilly Saturday morning, I was pleased to record 3 Redpoll this is the first year we've had them. After a long absence from our garden House sparrows have made a comeback.

    Was a bit miffed this morning when I peered through the rain to see at least double the number of just about everything we recorded yesterday. It happens every year, they do it on purpose. We even counted 8 Redpolls!!!

    No I'm not tempted to substitute the higher counts.

