Lot less than last year!!

I have just finished my big garden bird watch for this winter and have noticed a big drop in numbers compared to last year. This time last year it was so cold I had redwings and sonthrush in my garden and had to refill the 4 fat ball holder at least once a day. Now i just have a frequent robin and a few starlings and refill the holder about twice a week. This weather is worrying me as I saw a mallard chick yesterday at my local pond. Its not right is it?

  • Hi Amy, thanks for your post and for taking part. It is much milder in comparison to last year but not for everyone, i think some northern parts have had a cold weekend, so we're likely to get a very different set of results across the UK which will be interesting to compare with previous years data.

    The mild winter has certainly put wildlife in a spin with some early nesting just one of the signs of the unseasonal weather, hopefully any creatures that are way ahead of normal nesting seasons will not suffer to much if we get a bad cold spell.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I am in The West Midlands and funnily enough have noticed a vast increase in bird numbers in my garden ( but not on BGBW DAY)especially ones I have never had before like goldcrest, and woodpeckers
