Nesting sparrows!??!!

Whilst doing our BGBW this morning, we noticed a pair of sparrows have commandeered our tit's nesting box. I may be mistaken, but it very much looked like they were feeding young - he was back and forward, perching on the edge and then popping his head in then out again. She would then sit inside with just her head peeking out whilst he went off again. What do you think??? Seems awful early.

  • Hi Izzy, house sparrows can take advantage of mild conditions and nest ahead of their normal nesting season (March-August) but it is likely that they were making , investigating the box and courting, rather than having young which would be very advanced in their efforts to reproduce for the time of year. I noticed similar interest in a nestbox, no sign of young or nest building but they were definitely in and out making their usual cheerful chirps!

    However, keep an eye on them and if they do nest successfully it would be worth recording it on birdtrack -

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.