Few Birds This Year

Hi, had fewer birds this year than previous. Do not know if it's down to the milder weather as I have not fed the birds so much this winter as there seems to have been enough more natural foods around.

My only wish this year was that the Red Kite we see every now and again would show and as I sat yesterday to begin my 'watch', there he was! Swooping over the garden...... Brilliant!

  • Hi Doggie & Birdie. I have saved quite a lot of money this winter on feed! I'm sure it is down to the mild winter weather we have had so far. You can even see midges! Though, today is very cold and with the threat of snow over the coming weeks I'm sure my stock will soon disappear.

    We have had the Red Kite come over for the last year or so now. We live not too far from Tiggy Winkles Hospital and that is where I saw my first Kite a few years ago. They now seem to be moving our way to Hertfordshire, probably as we are surrounded by farm fields even though we are a small town, the birds seem to like it here. It's the second time he has swooped over my garden this week. Fantastic! Beautiful feathers and soars with such ease. Very lucky we are to see such wonderful creatures.

  • Yes, we have had fewer birds for a while now.  Usually we have blackcaps in the winter, and siskins, but they haven't arrived this year.  I saw fieldfares for just one day in the local fields on Saturday but now they are gone.  However, the goldfinches are still around, a flock of at least thirty taking turns at my feeders, while those that have fed wait in a nearby tree

    Jan H