Half my regulars didn't show up.

Was rather disappointed at how few species turned up for my first BGBW. Wasn't to bad, i had huge aounts of House Sparrows, lots of Blue Tits, 2prs of Great Tits, 3 Dunnocks, 2 Jays, 1 Collared Dove and a Pied Wagtail. Which left me about 7 or 8 species that didn;t turn up. I usually have Robins, Blackbird, Magpie, Goldfinch, Wood Pigeons, also get weekly visits from Long Tailed Tits and a Wren.

Was thinking about doing another watch later today, is it okay to submit 2 entries from different days?

I do love Starlings, but I wish they wouldn't pinch all the expensive foods I put out for the smaller rarer birds.

  • From reading other results Shadow, there seems to be a 'no show' trend...

  • Hi Shadow, if you have the time to do another count over the weekend then there is no harm in giving it another go though it's only neccessary to submit one of the results if it is taken from the same site. I did an hour on saturday which coincided with every type of disturbance imaginable in a garden so tried again today, there was less disturbance so i'm submitting these results instead. Hope this helps and thanks for taking part!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • I was the same, no goldfinch for my counting hour but 30 mins after there was 4 of them. Milder weather has definitely affected amount and species coming into my garden this year and that's with upgrading my food to rspb standard to assure quality.  Wish I lived on the edge of a woodland and open space not stuck in suburbia.