Beautiful Birds

I rarely spend a whole hour looking at birds coming and going from my garden, but I have to say it was a peaceful pastime and well worth it.  I'm lucky to have Goldfinches as regular visitors, and today there were 5 on the one Niger seed feeder.  They are beautifully bright, colourful birds and I love to see them, but even they can get aggressive fighting for a perch.  One Bullfinch and 2 Chaffinch came from the bare branches of trees to the feeder table, although the Bullfinch came alone.  Sadly no Robin and no Wren.  The Wren is my all time favourite bird, and a couple of days ago I noticed leaves moving in a planter on the deck, and out popped a tiny Wren!  A lovely sight.  I've only seen 2 Robins recently, and unfortunately no Thrush - I do hope they're not in decline.  I don't believe the House Sparrow is in decline - they're all in my garden, together with lots of Starlings!