Herring Gull

Just completed the Big Garden Bird Watch and quess what our regular Herring Gull arrived on the front lawn for his daily fill of juicy worms which he is a master at digging out of the lawn by pretending its raining. I have included him in the survey! ( We live just a few hundred meters from the Cliff edge)

  • Hi Sandy, and welcome.

    I don't get any herring gulls (30 odd miles inland) but I do get black headed gulls. This BGBW is the first one where they haven't turned up! They live on our local river but come over the gardens looking for scraps, and my flat shed roof is a perfect place to put out food for them.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I did get Black-headed Gulls. They came down for some kitchen scraps that I'd put out although I wasn't trying to attract them. They come from a local gravel pit.

    I recorded them although that's not really what the RSPB want because they are not exactly a garden bird.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • A couple of herring gulls passed over head and black headed gulls always criss cross the gardens, i've not seen them come down before though.

    Herring gulls, now a red listed species are a good spot for a garden, I think the term for 'worm charming' is padding, waders like lapwing do it as well, great behaviour to be able to watch from the comfort of your home!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • They dont come down in my garden that often, I think my roof is used as a vantage point though, they sit on top, then fly elsewhere. Live at coast too

  • A herring gull and his lady are regular visitors to my garden (we live near the coast), he even knocks on the bedroom window to be fed, cheeky monkey! So I feel privileged to have entered them on my list