star bird

I have just compleated my watching time, this is my first time as well. I have a number of feereds all in the same area which makes counting the  birds 'fun'

Star birds for today :-  I had what i think was a 'young'  spotted woodpeacker it was almost white so i don't know which type it was ( but i got a vid of it)and I had my usual flock of long tailed tits (9 in total). I also had two male phesants and a total of 17 other type of birds ranging from 1 wren to 7 house sparrows. Very low numbers of greenfinches today, I usually have somewhere like 9 or 10 at a time, today only 4, and again only 4 goldfinches

  • BirdFeeder said:
     I had what i think was a 'young'  spotted woodpeacker it was almost white so i don't know which type it was ( but i got a vid of it)

    Sounds intriguing so we'd like to see the video. Much too early for a young woodpecker. As doggie says if you can upload your video to YouTube or another hosting site we can tell you how to post it.



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