BGBW 2012

Delighted to see the return of a few house sparrows in the garden. They seemed to be getting so rare over the last year or two but they are a common sight in or garden in Herts now.

  • Hi Jimm, thanks for your comment, they are still a rare sight in many parts of the south east but with the right habitat (nesting sites and features providing summer and winter food) they can still thrive! They were checking out a nesting box during my count so i'm chuffed a simple step like putting up a nest box is possibly helping a red listed species out! Did you get any other visitors during the birdwatch?

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • What part of Herts you in Jim??

    I always hear them before i see them, never do have that many here, only 8 at the most at any one time this morning, always find Sparrows very skittish, any movement by anything and their off.