
After a long absence we have had Greenfinches at our sunflower hearts feeder regularly this winter. They come in groups of three or four and they look healthy. I know greenfinches have had real problems with Trichomonosis in recent years. 

Are other Big Garden Birdwatchers seeing healthy Greenfinches?

  • We have plenty of healthy Greenfinches which is good.  Didn't show up during my hour though which was a shame.  Tend to see them in groups often feeding with Chaffinches and sometimes Goldfinch.

  • Here in Wigan I haven't seen one in my garden for about 15 years.It's a bit of a Finch free zone here to be honest.The only regular visitors are 2 Goldfinches. I get the occasional Chaffinch in the garden although I hear them pinking all the time in the trees to the side.I also had a male Bullfinch on the feeders once last year. We also used to get Siskins but again not seen one for years.

  • Have just completed my hour and only managed one. They do seem to be a bit scarce at present

    Let not your heart be troubled

  • Ive only had one Greenfinch on the feeders this winter and she looked very ill, sure enough next morning found her not alive...very sad...could this bird have had Trichomonosis?

  • Our Greenfinches often have Chaffinches and Goldfinches around them. The Greenfinches do seem to be the most aggressive when it comes to monopolising the feeders. No Bullfinches during the BGB hour this year. Last year we had four.

    As to the dead Greenfinch. I know the BTO are interested in Trichomonosis so you might like to get in touch with them at

  • Our Greenfinches are back in numbers too after a few years absence and in similar groups. SLightly mixed feelings as they are quite aggressive!

  • They are regular visitors in large numbers here during the summer and we usually have quite a few. Saw two at the feeder this morning but only seen them back in the last few days.

  • I very rarely see the Greenfinches or any of the finches for that matter on my feeders.  They tend to feed from the ground mostly.  The Greenfinches do tend to come and go though.  They'll come on a daily basis for a few weeks and then stay away for weeks at a time.  A sparrowhawk caught a Greenfinch in my garden back in November and the finches seemed to stay away for months after that.

  • I used to have up to 20 come at a time to the garden, but Trichomonosis hit them two years ago.  We have 3 or 4 woodpigeons and several collared doves which I presume are the carriers.  The greenfinches are coming back and I now have 5 or 6 coming regularly.  Have they gained immunity?  It was sad to see them and the chaffinches dying.  The goldfinches seem immune and I regularly have 2 to 3 dozen at the feeders throughout the year.

  • Thanks Leafmould i will do that, im not sure what the symptoms are but im sure they will put me straight.