Is it cheating?

If I recorded the birds for an hour today and then do another hour tomorrow and then submit the best one?


  • This is my first year and I am loving it.  I really didn't know that so many different species visited my garden.  Seeing all of the regular's photos has also got me looking at cameras... not a cheap hobby!


  • They won't catch me, I am a very timid bird!!!!


  • I did a sort of dummy run this morning to see when the birds were most active. Based on that I'm going to do the count tomorrow. Bet nothing at all turns up. LOL



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • All of my favourites and a few extras turned up this morning apart from my GSW, I'm still going to watch for another hour tomorrow, you never know!


  • My 1st count to. I'm submitting mine but since I enjoyed it so much I'm doing another watch tomorrow at a different time, purely for my own interest & records as I'm new to birdwatchin. What an amazing afternoon I had. After my "official" hour I sat in my car which gives me good vision of most sections of my garden. How sad but so enjoyable!! lol

  • What is best? surely we want the true data from a 1 hour watch by many people over the country. If we all put in "the best" it will surely inflate the bird populations, we want the truth not our idea of what is best.

  • It isn't a competiton to see who gets the best results, it's a survey of which birds are using gardens this weekend and in what numbers. I know it's tempting to do another hour if the first is rubbish, but the RSPB also want rubbish counts. That's my thought on the matter for what it's worth.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Graham B said:
    What is best? surely we want the true data from a 1 hour watch by many people over the country. If we all put in "the best" it will surely inflate the bird populations, we want the truth not our idea of what is best.

    Hi Graham,

    I think the analysis by the RSPB of the submissions of the BGBW will factor in the circumstances of people giving their best results and the information obtained will still be a good indicator of trends re populations and species around the UK.


    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • But surely the idea is to see what birds and numbers are visiting our gardens.  As long as you only record the highest number seen in one go, than isn't that a fair reflection of the populations around?


  • I agree with you Sparrow it should be done correctly , it is tempting to add on  but mine also kept a low "profile" during my count!! Thats birds for you. My first count this year.