BGBW Redpolls

We did our BGBW this morning and were thrilled when a redpoll turned up. We first saw these birds last Saturday when we had four of them in the garden feeding on the niger seeds.Since then one has been coming on its own along with all the other finches.We have lived here for over 25 years(Farnborough, Hampshire) and have never seen these birds before. Interestingly a few other people have also mentioned seeing them for the first time! Is it just a good year for redpolls? Any ideas?

  • Hi JandC

    I live near Reading and I've been getting them coming to the feeders for the last couple of winters. I put it down to the very cold weather we had then. However, they have returned this winter despite the very mild weather. I am beginning to wonder whether they are adapting to the availability of food in gardens in the same way Goldfinches have over the last 10 years or so. Whatever the reason it's nice to see them.



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