2012 done but think I am gonna have another hour or two out there to myself

Just submitted the results my garden is usually full of birds but not on count day haha

  • I know the feeling!!!!

    It's been like Bullfinch city here the last few weeks but today ZERO!

    having a cuppa and then I'm going to join you and put another couple of hours in.

    Good luck!

    Love Nature.

  • That's great why do I never get a Bullfinch its a small rural garden location and get loads of birds only today saw Sparrow hawk and all the usual suspects but have never seen a Bullfinch in all the years

  • seem to have replied to myself here haha

  • I'm on the edge of Glasgow and we've had two pairs of Bullfinches for the last couple of years, but they frightened away most of my chaffinches.  You win some, you lose some!!

    Oh yes, and we lost a wren when it deserted its nest six years ago during building work on the house.  I never saw one again until I was looking out of the upstairs window (dormer window) and saw a single wren happily feeding from the roof and gutter, but it never ever appears at the feeders in the garden immediately below!

    Cuckoo by name, cuckoo by nature!!

  • Lucky you having a Sparrow hawk.

    Unfortunately I found one yesterday under the my patio chair.

    Looked like a broken hip.

    4 days ago I had to go to the docs as he wizzed passed me and caught my eye with it's wing tip.

    The doctor's face was a picture. No damage though.

    I suspect it's eye sight was failing and crashed into something.

    It's now laid to rest in his favourite spot in my garden. Where I used to see him watching the blue tits.

    I was relieved to see her a couple of times yesterday filling the sky with air displays.

    They've both been around for a few years.

    It was sad to see the end of an era.



    Ps Got 5 Bullies this morning! Yippee! Cracking open sunflower seeds.

    Love Nature.