Hawkys BGW!

Well, a much better result than last year considering i had more than a starling, a sparrow and a pigeon...!

I refilled the feeders a little more than usual at around half nine and then waited until 10 to start. It was chilly, but the sun was out for most of the hour. 

The first 15 minutes went okay:

^ my wren was definitely in there, but not sure if thats him or not... im about 50% certain. Anyone? He's in the middle at the back

On friday, I said to my mum:
"The only thing that can go wrong is if that hawk came back hehe!"
And she said:
"It'll be okay - we havent had one in the garden for months."



The birds went silent - you could hear a pin drop! She chased robin away and over the hedge, but he came back soon after looking pretty triumphant lol. However, most of the more colourful birds disappeared, meaning it was robins, blackbirds and the blue tits (when they felt brave enough)

And thats all from my BGW ! Hope it wasnt too boring lol. Might be putting a few of these on my blog soon

If I've named anything wrongly please feel free to say hehe! you all know how i am with identifying... 

Junior Humble! 

"it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • Hehe, sorry alan! I couldnt resist, i think i scared him off by jumping up and down infront of the patio window going "baby wren! eeeee!" lol. they are so small :)

    Thanks! someone taught me that theres a queue system, where you just add posts to the queue and set how often one goes up, so that keeps it consistent even when im out

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • Yes i did! hehe

    how was yours?

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • Haha, I was staring at a leaf for ages like "what bird are you.." then decided to take a pic and zoomed in, still thinking it was a bird.

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • hehe birdie dont suppose you know anything about why st petersburg was built on the river neva - i love writing history essays at 11pm! lol

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • Peter the great was keen to have a naval point (baltic sea - warm, so not frozen like other seas surrounding russia) and his ideals for westernisation in Russia meant that he wanted to have a capital closer to the western countries and make it easier for trade and communictation :) Theres something called the 'muscovites' or the muscovy ideals, the traditional people, and all i could think about was muscovy ducks hehe!

    My industrial revolution (1815 to 65) ended with my exam on the 16th of Jan unfortunately :P hope i did well

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • Hehe no problem! Explaining it helps, and besides, my BGW is over anyway lol

    Russia was very backward before 1682, before Peter's reign. He basically did everything against tradition - became friends with foreigners, shaved his beard, he even named a settlement in German to spite the old believers :)

    I think that the teachers are given a list of topics from each section of history, so they can choose what suits them best. Dont know if these are current topics, but heres the general idea: www.schoolhistory.co.uk/alevel.shtml

    We have done Lord Liverpool, Luddites, Palmerston, Gladstone, Ireland 1800-1921 from the Modern Britain section (well, basically everything that happened 1815- 1865, at home or not)

    We're doing Peter the Great now, but also other things that happened during the 42 years he was in power.

    I think it might actually be just time periods they can choose, but obviously peter is quite specific :P

    We mix politics into the subject a lot - the 1815-65 topic was basically laws that happened! We had to remember every act and law, and their year hehe

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop

  • Thanks :) Its interesting to know what it was like a few years ago, my parents never did history or just dont remember it :P

    My class is the only AS history class, and half is planning to drop it after this year! Im not though

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop