BGBW - they know!

I think the birds know when I am doing the BGBW! Whilst my rural garden is never usually Minsmere in respect of bird species and numbers seen, the birds seem to know and once again they have stayed away in droves. Today I only logged 4 housesparrows, 3 starlings, 2 woodpigeons and 1 robin in my hour. Actually, I recall last year I saw 1 sparrow and 1 starling, so it's an improvement! But no finches, no tits, no magpies, no crows, no blackbirds or anything more 'exotic'. And there are nuts and fatballs out. I am pleased to see that others around the country have had more luck though.  Ah well...


  • Sounds like my stint. I watch the birds every day whilst cooking, and usually there are plenty - but today, I didn't see the wren, the magpie, the jackdaws, the bluetits, goldfinches, etc - even the birds that did come, did not come in their usual numbers. One starling took a drink - usually about a dozen flock down and empty the bird bath with their splashing about within minutes of filling it up, but....not today!

    My Aussie and British birds blog -

  • A good idea Alan, I had thought it might not be a bad idea to do three periods to 'spread' the choice. Next year perhaps.



  • I don't understand Alan as we are supposed to count the birds that come in within an hour.I do 3 separate hours and then use the best of those 3.You are not allowed to count the same bird twice and,each species has to be in the garden at the same time.How do you do the 20 mins :0)) ?



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • My Yellowhammers know it's BGBW day.......they've all disappeared! Our normal count is about 30+ in the flock at this time of year, ( record is 50 birds! )  all sitting in the sun in trees in the orchard like a flock of budgies! Numbers are well down this year though.