BGBW What was you Star Species?

It's all done for another year, at least for me.  I got the usual suspects and no more, so I have I've awarded my star status to the Goldfinch - they came out in force for me, and I didn't get any last year.  I got 8 species last year, 5 this year, and only 2 of these were on last year's list - interesting.  Which species was the star for everyone else?


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • For me it has to be the Goldcrest I spotted by chance.  I opened the front door quietly to see if the redwings were in the ivy and movement on the big Atlantic Cedar caught my eye and there was a busy little person working hard in the branches.

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • Sadly the Bramblings I got last year didn't make an appearance at all this winter.  Probably my star was the solitary House Sparrow.  Why he was hanging out with all the chaffinches and not his mates down at the village pub like the others do, I don't know.  3 Siskins also a nice addition.

  • I have just compleated my watching time, this is my first time as well. I have a number of feereds all in the same area which makes counting the  birds 'fun'

    Star birds for today :-  I had what i think was a 'young'  spotted woodpeacker it was almost white so i don't know which type it was ( but i got a vid of it)and I had my usual flock of long tailed tits (9 in total). I also had two male phesants and a total of 17 other type of birds ranging from 1 wren to 7 house sparrows. Very low numbers of greenfinches today, I usually have somewhere like 9 or 10 at a time, today only 4, and again only 4 goldfinches

  • I had a lovely surprise just before the end of my hours watching! A pair of Redpoll came down to feed - a new species to my garden and a real treat! BUT!! I have Bullfinches visiting a lot at the moment and two came down together - my Star Species!

  • Star bird was to be the long tailed tits, but now blue tits as they spent time in one of my nest boxes.

  • 74 Woodpigeons! Spotted 20 sitting in the big oak tree in woodlands, backing onto our garden (along with a handfull of magpies) then several big flocks few right overhead - so I added them to the total. Is that cheating?

  • Haven't done this before. It was fun. I have a large garden between Wem Moss and Whixall Moss in Shropshire. My star species yesterday was 20 Redwings. My all-time stars in this garden were a Golden Pheasant and a Woodcock. I enjoy very much seeing my regular (huge) Green Phase Pheasant, a Barn Owl, a Little Owl and up to 3 Buzzards. My all-time stars anywhere were 3 Ivory Gulls, one a juvenile, on the Mersey Estuary.

  • We saw a goldcrest as well. At least hubby did (I believed him) It was at the side of the house and I was having enought trouble watching the apple tree at the back!! All the bird feeders are round there and it was manic at times! I honestly couldnt count quick enough! The keepchangingplaces so quickly as well. i wish someone would teach them to take time over feeding. The blue tits and great tits are hilarious. The Great tits will be feeding quite happily, then the blue tits swoop in and chase them off. The go for a bit then come back all together and chase the great tits off. Talk about "pecking order!" Te wood pigeons were around but had "other" things on their minds! Wodpecker was around but he gets fed up with tits who keep trying to push him off the feeders. No manners in my garden.

  • The willow tits for me they dart about so quickly & are so tiny a pleasure to see :)

    Rachell :)

  • My best show were the 8 long tailed tits,having a feeding frenzy.However the 2 little siskens were doing battle to keep other birds at bay.