BGBW What was you Star Species?

It's all done for another year, at least for me.  I got the usual suspects and no more, so I have I've awarded my star status to the Goldfinch - they came out in force for me, and I didn't get any last year.  I got 8 species last year, 5 this year, and only 2 of these were on last year's list - interesting.  Which species was the star for everyone else?


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • wunnus said:
      Nice sunny dawn as well.

    Oh yes a beautiful sun rise this morning then here it went quite grey :-(


    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • TinaBean said:
      Being on the edge of a wooded common helps, as we get such a good selection of birds; and until I'd moved here I'd never seen a long tailed tit.

    We used to be right next to farmland and fallow fields but these are gone now to be replaced by new builds :-(

    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • My star species were the 2 Tree Sparrows that have become regular visitors to my feeders :) Shame the GS Woodpecker didn't come back, he appeared for about 5 minutes the other day, good record for a Holy Island garden!

    Home again, home again.

    Check it:

  • Well we were pleased to have a good selection of 14 types of bird although just the usual suspects, 11 starlings, 5 sparrows, 1 coal tit, 2 great tits, 4 blue tits, 2 robins, 2 chaffinches, 1greenfinch, 1 carrion crow and 1 magpie and 3 blackbirds and 1 pigeon and we have also recently been visited our first thrush visiting this year and very oddly it was there at the start of my hour, disappeared and then returned for the last two minutes. Guess it was my timekeeper! We did stick with our hour though as it is important to stick with the rules. We also had a fleeting visit from our Great Spotted Woodpecker.

    Disappointed the goldfinch didnt make an appearance but then he has been a bit hit and miss of late. Hubby chased a cat off mid hour but wouldnt let me put down "robin"  (his name  lol) but just before the end two visited anyway. Might go out and do an hour later this afternoon and see which one is best to submit. Happy Counting.


  • 2 Redwings was my star species


    Let not your heart be troubled

  • Our star visitor was a goldcrest, has been in everyday for the past week, usually having a little bath in the pond every other day. even had to rescue him/her a few days ago, was found on the path outside our house on his side.... thought he/she was dead, brought him inside... after a few minutes of warmth, came to and decided to fly around the house, had to catch the tiny lil thing!! flew away brilliantly afterwards into one of the trees and calling out for about 5 minutes!

    Had the usual suspects, starlings en mass, our resident robin chasing everyone off who dares come into his territory, various tits including the coal tit, blackbirds, chaffinch,  house sparrows and magpies. Also had a lone black headed gull land, survey the area and then fly off again.

  • Mine was similar to last year - usual suspects but fewer starlings and greenfinches than usual - like others I had to chase the feline visitor which arrived at the same time as the only starling which probably scared the rest off. The survey bore out what I've noticed over the last few weeks that I'm seeing a lot more chaffinches - 5 today (3 male 2 female) as opposed to the odd one or two in previous years.

  • First time I had done this. We are lucky to have quite a diverse number of species here and today I saw 13 different species in my hour. Stars were two Nuthatches and we also had a guest appearance from a Pied Wagtail which I only normally see in the front garden and a Sparrow which is a first as I have never seen one here before. Disappointed that the Bullfinches didn't make an appearance but the Goldfinches made up for it.

  • New to the forum and new to BGBW...stuck to my hour today and didnt see the wren from yesterday or GS woodpecker but did get goldfinch and pied wagtail! As i write this long tailed tits have visited the feeder for 1st time!

  • We were doing well - sparrows, our resident robin, woodpigeons and a couple of magpies standing sentry on the conifers - until our local sparrowhawk paid a swooping visit - then nada!

    Our tits and finches never turned up, but I suspect they were hiding!