Big Garden Birdwatch Species sheet

Hi all,I am excited about the weekend,however,the species sheet is quite small,I have a lot more different birds come into my gardens on a daily garden is also my smallholding,but I have landscaped it to fit in with nature.4 years ago it was just a 1.5 acre field with a very large,I have a large bog garden,have planted tree's shrubs and so much my little world has become so much bigger!

beforehand there was Dunnocks and the odd crow in the land next to me,but not many finches or otherwise.Every day I have a visit from a pair of Red Kites and one large and one small Heron,these are not upon the list,the same as the following which come every day.Bullfinches amazingly a redwing,chiff chaff,yellowhammer,sparrowhawk,wild ducks,mistle Thrush,lapwings!-every few days~Green woodpecker,great spotted woodpecker,pheasants which come to feed with my Geese and call ducks.

There are many I have not listed here-and I spend a small fortune on bird feeds and make some myself.I was wondering,why is the species list quite short?
