What makes a great Big Garden Birdwatch

  1. Bird Food
  2. Books
  3. Hot Chocolate
  • If you have bird food you a more likely to get more birds
  • Books will tell you what bird it is and if they are rear
  • You can focus more if you have hot chocolate

Enjoy yourself and have fun watching your feathered friends.

Happy Birdwatching

  • Time, as i do approx 3 x 1 hours throughout the day, then choose the one with the best figures ha ha.



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Making sure that the next door neighbour doesn't decide to work in his garden for the day!!! I have already spoken to mine...told him I would let him know when it would be ok for him to go out to his garden.  Good job he likes the birds that visit my garden also going into his.