Help! Where have all the birds gone?

My birds have all disappeared!  Last year I was able to send in a good result - but this year is going to be a disaster I fear.  Nothing has changed in the garden - all the feeders are still there but very seldom used since Christmas.  A few starlings come and eat up the fatballs but that's it.  I can hear robins, song thrushes and tits in the neighbourhood but no sign.  I spent an hour in the conservatory today and did not see one single bird.  Plenty of starlings gathering in the poplar trees in the field and lots of gulls and crows flying over.  Does anyone else think they might have an empty sheet this year?  What's happening - is it because it has been so mild this year.


  • Hi Lis, even if you do get an empty sheet or lower numbers than expected we want you to report it back to us as it will give an accurate reflection about what is going on with garden birds this winter.

    It is likely to be the result of the mild winter, this is allowing birds to disperse over the wider countryside across farmland, hedges and the woodland edge habitats for example. During cold spells these habitats become hostile environments forcing many species of bird out of their usual haunts. This results in higher bird activity in gardens where food and shelter is still available.

    If we get a cold snap over the weekend, expect to see some frantic bird feeding behaviour, if it's mild, your residents or prospective local breeding birds might be the stars, either way, it's a good way to spend an hour so give it a go, see what turns up and send us your results! Good luck!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Pray for a cold snap? :-))

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Linda, and welcome to the forum from another Linda!

    I'm in the same boat as you, along with plenty of others. As Chris says, pray for a cold snap!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thanks for all your messages, and the link to a previous similar query.  I don't feel quite so bad now as it looks like it's pretty general and not my local birds being "picky"!  Fingers crossed for the weekend :-)


  • This is my fear as well, my feeders are only getting visited by a pigeon. Last year I had a great crowd and used to spend ages watching their antics and pecking order. I am fearful of not seeing anything this weekend I miss my feathered visitors very much!

  • I'm worried about this too. I have noticed a distinct lack of birds, even the woodpigeons have decreased.

  • Have you tried varying the food? I try to put something new down every week.  The birds definetly have their favourites.  There is so much choice in the shops it is easy to find new things.  I start by putting a litlle out to see if it is eaten and then build it up if it is.  My neighbour has said that my bird feeder area would easy earn 3 stars in the Michelin Guide for Birds!!


  • Ian is right,mild winter, then a cold spell and the gardens are buzzing.It is quieter here but lots going on in the fields behind our bungalow.I am thrilled because the last two years as some of you know, our Sparrows were wiped out and this year all seems well :0)))The hawk keeps coming to, so not too quiet .



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • So thats why the sparrowhawks are fatter in the north east sheena, eating all the sparrows, LoL. Alan

    always many sides to an argument

  • Lol Alan.When the Hawk visits i close my eyes, but T my OH did see a female take a Collared Dove out in our front garden the first year we moved here.I see it, then run for cover.I have watched it sitting on the pillar on the front wall peering,do i rush for the camera NO i just  take in the beauty and turn my back, incase i see it take its victim.Everyone that knows me knows i am a wimp :0(



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .