Newbie to Birdwatching - Advice on Binoculars?

Hi all,

Having just newly started this hobby (and really looking forward to my first Big Garden Watch this weekend)! I'm pretty keen on moving on to getting myself a decent pair of binoculars. Can anyone give me suggestion/recommendations on size etc. that I should be looking at?  Been googling but oh dear!!  what confusion for a newbie. Everyone desperate to sell their products but is it what I really want? What do you use? Thanks so much for your help. Linnie x

  • Hi Lynnie and welcome,suggest you put this question on the main community forum as the only people who could answer on here would have to be members of BGB.

    I would suggest the following (1 8x40 are very good for birdwatching. 2)Opticron are very good value getting good quality for reasonable price 3)This is really the essential thing to do and makes it fairly straightforward in my opinion and that is that company's such as In-Focus take binoculars and scopes to reserves and various nature places for people to go and try out which they like and in their price range which I am sure you have found out is very large range.

    Good luck and you will enjoy your new hobby.  

  • Hi Lynnie. This is a bit of a nightmare to answer because it depends so much on your budget. You can get fairly decent binoculars for a few hundred pounds but top brands will cost well over a thousand pounds.

    I would suggest that initially you have a look through the relevant postings in the Gear Guide Forum. As you can imagine this question has been raised before so you will start to get a feel for what's out there and what others think of them. Certainly, as Sooty suggests try before you buy.



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  • Great thanks for your help folks :). Being new to this I didn't spot the Gear Guide Forum yet. Will have a good look about the site and forums. Thanks again x