birds !

i have been out on daily walks around devon and cornwall and i have see all sorts of wildlife and many different birds such as pied flycatchers , white throats , corn buntings , skylarks in Cornwall and on my walks in Devon i have seen nesting blue tits , great tits , nesting song thrush, yellowhammer , wood warblers and chiffchaff

i would like to know what other people have been seeing around your part of britain please reply .

                                                                             many thanks cheeseycheesecakes .

  • i envy you walking around devon and cornwall,i am cornish,but now live in,and regularly walk along the llangollen canal which has some breathtaking scenary.i never go out without my camera,apart from the common birds,i see kingfishers,buzzards,peregrine,kestrel and sparrow hawk.what i have noticed this year is the lack of nuthatches both when out and also in the garden together with thrushes,but most notable is that the sparrows seemed to have thived this year and without a doubt they are the most popular visitor in my garden whereas in past years they have come down the bottom of my list for garden there any one out there with a similar observance. many thanks.

  • ditto cornwall envy. in essex seems like both types woodpecker , sparrow hawk doing ok , as could be expected! wat else? - magpies, sparrows, starlins,blackbirds, swifts/swallows, gulls, (inc ufogull ... just 'peep' noise i can hear at night that i swear is followinme! lol) some finches, rock, collar doves - robins, blue tits - i can think of. oh yeah rooks/crows occasional thrush.

    But , depressingly, southend's repplacement evil ******'s at the council , have continued theyr greedy policy of "raize it, build on it, concrete it ALLLLLLL HAHAHAHA" .. hence ever more valuable habitat is bein munched up and "developed" (?????), so that they can get thweir new cars, shoes, houses etc  .... grrrrrrr.

    as well as that is the local "wood fellas" - who are the remnants of oct87(hurricane), now not needed , going from tree to tree without mercy to get theyr "pulp" .

    The Good People Im Sure , that live local are still doing wat they can for the feathered population and despite above , will continue to hope that human greed HAS got it limits !

    nice2know ur here ....and  im with and for you 100% always .

    Kind regards


    Leigh on sea