Big Garden Birdwatch 2011

I thought you might like to know about my attempts this winter, to participate in the Birdwatch.
Every year, I've diligently sat by the window to make a note of the visitors to my garden, and generally, I've been quite lucky in seeing numerous birds.
This year, I decided to do my watch on Sunday.  Just as well - I had probably one pigeon visit on Saturday when I looked out of the window.
Sunday morning, I put out a fat ball, filled the peanut feeder and liberally sprinkled meal-worms all over the lawn.... then waited.   Not ONE bird entered the feeding zone. Nothing.  Five hours later (although I hadn't sat for the full time, just kept looking out after the initial hour), two pigeons ventured, then flew off again!
That was the sum of my help to the watch this year.
What did upset me was that from my living room window, in the last few months, I've taken photos and movies of two different types of Woodpecker, Jays, Blackbirds, Robins, blue, coal and Great Tits and Starlings. We even had some Parakeets.
I think the birds over North Finchley and Friern Barnet in North London have sent messages to one another and told each other to keep away because The Might Sparrow 'wants to count us' !
Thank you for all your hard work.  
By the way - the only creature eating from the peanut feeder at the moment is a grey squirrel!   Glad someone is appreciative of my hard work!!!!

Mighty Sparrow