Reed Buntings

I have been getting lots of male and female reed buntings in my garden this and last winter, I just thought I would let anyone wanting to know what they seem to love to eat the most. I have been putting out Millet Sprays which I bought from the Market in Worcester near where I live for the sparrows mainly, especially in the spring when the fledgling sparrows like to come into the garden as they love to eat it, and I have found that the Reed Buntings seem to be attracted to it also.

I also get a Pied Wagtail which seems to love the dried mealworms which I put out.


  • I have 2 reed buntings that have been visiting regularly this year but they seem to spend most of their time

    in the hedge.I will try the millet Thanks!

  • Thanks for the great advice on how to attract these little things. I hope I get them come to my garden & at least I will be prepared. Ive never seen a reed bunting before but do see Pied wagtails which flock Morrison's car park :) They have never ventured to my garden though so I will give the millet spray's a go.

    Best wishes,


    My days in the garden would be empty & sad without the birds and their beautiful song. I'm worried that one day I will be alone in that garden when all he birds have gone.